📄Dawn Wars WhitePaper(EN)

Describe the functions of Crypto CoPuppy

Chapter One - The Dog Kingdom - Prelude to the Dawn War

"The black flames of death are going out, the sound of metal – is deafening the sky."

The fires of the Seventh Dawn War spread to this peaceful continent of the Dog Kingdom. The ferocious and murderous Herald of Destruction has been collecting lava fire to grow the energy of the Dark World.

The Dog Kingdom has built a huge Molten Fire Fortress near the Molten Fire Mountains to defend against and destroy the Herald's royal family, and has not yet relaxed its guard. But in recent years, volcanoes erupted one after another. The huge energy accumulated by the herald of destruction royal family has destroyed the defense line. The evil and cruel war is about to invade the peaceful dog kingdom again. A crisis is quietly erupting.

As the war in Middle Earth spreads, the dog kingdom is constantly being persecuted and invaded by the Black Rabbit royal family.

The dogs fight for their homeland. Their courage and faith opened the door to the next dimension, the dogs awakened the dimension energy and got the help of superheroes. A war between the dog kingdom and the herald of destruction royal family is breaking out...

Dawn War features.

Dog continent as the background, the graphics are carefully created to present a new Q-Man war for players.

Dimensional door system allows dogs to obtain superhero energy and equipment, and start the dogs' super adventure.

Unique and fun game pairing system, bringing players a relaxed and pleasant feeling of game experience.

Integration of card battles, raising play, with its match more interesting.

Dogs battle together to gain more experience coins and equipment.


According to data in DappRadar’s DAPP Industry Overview: August 20211 , the Game-Fi sector saw its usage increase by 17% compared to July, and around 880,000 unique gaming wallets interact with a smart contract on a daily basis with the number of active wallets increasing rapidly.

Thanks to the surging popularity of CryptoPunks and CryptoKitties in the blockchain industry in 2017, the NFT market started to grow exponentially and the epidemic that broke out in 2020 accelerated the development of the entire NFT industry.

The advancing and maturing NFT market creates a favorable environment for the birth of GameFi. GameFi originally denoted “gamified finance”, a concept combining DeFi, NFT, and gaming. GameFi is a remaking of traditional gaming business models by innovating and blending DeFi, NFT and games into a new application scenario. GameFi introduced financial products into games, enabling game players to play for profit and empowering the DeFi and NFT market via expanding their adoption scenarios. Many startups have thrived on this boom and witnessed the explosive growth of GameFi, including Axie Infinity, My Neighbor Alice and Alien World.

With the gradual improvement of the game and the underlying blockchain infrastructure, GameF has gradually developed into the meta-universe. In addition to the pursuit of [Play to Earn] during the game, players are also pursuing the fun and social attributes of the game, experiencing the fun of the game in multiple joint ecological activities and sharing it with friends.

On this basis, CoPuppy Team combines the current game development trend and its own development characteristics to launch Dawn Wars, hoping to give players enough benefits while allowing players to experience the fun of the game!

Dawn Wars Introduction

Dawn Wars is an H5 independent game based on Binance Smart Chain using COCOS engine. The characters in the game are all “heroes” under the CoPuppy meta-universe ecology. Players obtain characters through blind boxes, collect equipment and skins to improve combat effectiveness, defeat various bosses in the game, and get rewards.

All data and functions of the game rely on the BSC [Binance Smart Chain] network, which is automatically executed by smart contracts. The game is open, transparent, and sufficiently interesting.

Core Values of Dawn Wars

  • Extremely high degree of freedom: In the game, we invite all players and coin holders to create NFT characters to build the Dawn Wars game!

  • CoPuppy Metaverse: Dawn Wars is the first open battle game in the CoPuppy metaverse. All characters include a complete introduction to the characters. The game has a rich story background. Players can get extra help in the CoPuppy Metaverse during the game.

  • Sharing and interaction: We have a unique invitation mechanism, players can get more rewards through invitations. The vast majority of the platform’s revenue will be shared with and by the gaming community

Dawn Wars game elements

Dawn Wars mainly includes three types of core game assets, NFT game assets, NFT-Eelements assets, and DW crypto assets.

  • Bottom-up defined NFT digital assets.

    • The initial NFT assets (characters, skins, weapons) are defined by the issuer, and the Loot model is adopted in the later period. The issuer and the community jointly create NFT assets based on the characteristics of Metaverse.

    • To support the access method obtained by external SDK, Dawn Wars will launch DW-SDK to support external access and enhance the platformization of Dawn Wars.

  • Rich NFT-Element digital assets.

    • The standards of NFT-721 and NFT-1155 provide developers with the possibility of customizing NFT elements. The props in Dawn Wars will adopt the distribution method of elements to reduce the development cost of the system, increase the flexibility of the game, and realize agile development.

  • The unique economy for Dawn Wars。

    • CP: The Game Token for players to enjoy and build their own metaverse experience.

    • DW: The Governance token that authorizes stakeholders the rights to share the value of the CoPuppy - Dawn Wars IP via DAO and the rights to define the future of the Dawn Wars IP metaverse.


[Easy to play] simple COCOS game engine with low threshold, go into play on the dog continent at any time.

[Cute and fun] HD psewdo-3D game engine system, give users more distinctive sensory enjoyment.

[Energy system] Just have a dog, lie down and earn

[Dark Boss Battle] Participate in exciting BOSS battles every day to get more coins and resources.

[Dog Soul Summoning] Collect dog soul fragments to summon more dogs.

[Dog Growth System] Build your own powerful dog.

[Huge Gold System] Easy to play & earn!

Dawn Wars RoadMap

Token Economic Model

Special Vault-vDW distribution model

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