"狗狗大作戰" - 排行榜獎勵規則


為了鼓勵玩家踴躍的參與狗狗大作戰, 我們將會在每週五對[總戰力值排行榜][戰隊排行榜]頭部用戶進行獎勵。



Puppy Battle → Leaderboard → Faction Platoon → Sort All


NO.1 - NO.3 The combat power must be higher than 60,000(15,000 → 60,000).

NO.4 - NO.10 The combat power must be higher than 40,000(10,000 → 40,000).

NO.11 - NO.20 The combat power must be higher than 30,000(5,000 → 30,000).

NO.21 - NO.30 The combat power must be higher than 20,000.

NO.31 - NO.50 The combat power must be higher than 10,000.


NO.1 - NO.3 each can get 1 Rare Gems and ORE-HIGH Quality. 擁有一次免費改名的機會。

NO.4 - NO.10 each can get 1 Advanced Gems and ORE-Ordinary Quality. 擁有一次免費改名的機會。

NO.11 - NO.20 each can get 1 Ordinary Gems and ORE-Poor Quality. 擁有一次免費改名的機會。

NO.21 - NO.30 each can get 1 Gravel-High Quality.

NO.31 - NO.40 each can get 1 Gravel-Generally.

隨著Puppy World元宇宙的開放,我們會對滿足條件的用戶獎勵更多稀有的材料及道具。.


Puppy Battle → Leaderboard → Faction Platoon → Shiba Inu/Husky/.../Bichon Frise



NO.1 - NO.3 The combat power must be higher than 10,000 (4,000 → 10,000).

NO.4 - NO.10 The combat power must be higher than 5,000(2,000 → 5,000).

NO.11 - NO.30 The combat power must be higher than 2,000.

NO.31 - NO.50 The combat power must be higher than 1,000.


NO.1 - NO.3 each can get 1 Rare Gems. 擁有一次免費改名的機會.

NO.4 - NO.10 each can get 1 Advanced Gems. 擁有一次免費改名的機會.

NO.11 - NO.30 each can get 1 Ordinary Gems.

NO.31 - NO.50 each can get 1 ORE-Poor Quality.

隨著Puppy World元宇宙的開放,我們會對滿足條件的用戶獎勵更多稀有的材料及道具。.




排行榜獎勵將會在每週五12:00 (UTC Time)進行快照, 所有獎勵都會在24小時內發放.

Last updated