2D Game Mystery Box Instruction

Understand the value of Game Mystery Box and how to obtain it

How to get "Puppy Battle" Game Card?

There are currently two ways to get 2D Game Mystery Box, using $CP purchase or $CKEY purchase, both of which can obtain 2D game cards.

What is the difference between using $CP and $CKEY to buy 2D Mystery boxes?

Use $CP to have more chances to get rare cards, these cards will have a bonus to the team, and the probability of obtaining rare cards through $CKEY is less.

page”Puppy Battle“-Data Illustrated Book(EN)

How will we deal with the revenue of 2D Mystery Box?

Mystery Box

Payment Method

Number of Mystery Boxes

Starting Time


Premium Game Mystery Box

50 CP

5,000 / First Round

5th August

Get 2D Game Card, chances to get advanced cards

Premium Game Mystery Box

75 CP

2,500 / Second Round

15th August

Get 2D Game Card, chances to get advanced cards

Premium Game Mystery Box

75 CP

2,500 / Third


20th August

Get 2D Game Card, chances to get advanced cards

Ordinary Game Mystery Box

1 Ckey

1,500 / Daily


Get 2D Game Card, get Ckey through Puppy Farm

All $CP income will be destroyed for first round.

Will my profit drop when opening new Game Mystery boxes?

Proceeds from the Second/Third round of game mystery box sales will be used as rewards for CoPuppy competitive games.

The addition of new 2D game cards will not affect the hashrate of the original Puppy Battle players. We will increase the hashrate output of Puppy Battle, and Puppy Battle will enjoy more $CP rewards!

At present, Puppy Battle actually uses only 30% of the computing power. With the opening of the new mystery box, the actual use of computing power will gradually increase(By reducing the computing power of airdrop cards).

Last updated